When I was growing up we had a weekly tradition that we called "Closure". It would take place on sunday and sort of finish off the week. What is closure? well, all 11 of us (a blended family) would gather in the living room after dinner on sunday. One by one each person was encuraged to share something they learned either that day in church, sometime over the last week, or even just their lifetime. Only if you wanted to. Once you were done, sharing would be passed to the next person. This was not a time to correct, debate, or lecture. It was simply a time to share what you had learned. Some times they were very brief, even one word. Partly because with that many teenagers you should know at least a few want to hurry up and get on with it, and also because thats just how some did it. Others would share longer thoughts.

I would like this to be a place where Closure can take place. Please share Something you have learned. If you are not an auther on the blog, but wish to share, just post what you have learned as a comment on my last post.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our bishop frequently reminds us that we are spiritual beings down here having an earthly experience. Today in Sunday school a sister who had gone through chemo and radiation talked about her memory loss due to "chemo brain." She forgot all kinds of things, and described it as feeling like you are getting Alzheimer's. But she said it was interesting that she didn't forget the things of the gospel.

Todd has forgotten all kinds of things, memories from childhood, even pivotal times in our life together, but even in the first stages of recovery from his stroke, he still knew the truths of the gospel.

It occurred to me that the things we are "learning" here on the earth are not new concepts to us at all, but things we are, in fact, remembering. Our spirits know, and the Holy Ghost bears witness, and then our mortal minds know and we gain a testimony.