When I was growing up we had a weekly tradition that we called "Closure". It would take place on sunday and sort of finish off the week. What is closure? well, all 11 of us (a blended family) would gather in the living room after dinner on sunday. One by one each person was encuraged to share something they learned either that day in church, sometime over the last week, or even just their lifetime. Only if you wanted to. Once you were done, sharing would be passed to the next person. This was not a time to correct, debate, or lecture. It was simply a time to share what you had learned. Some times they were very brief, even one word. Partly because with that many teenagers you should know at least a few want to hurry up and get on with it, and also because thats just how some did it. Others would share longer thoughts.

I would like this to be a place where Closure can take place. Please share Something you have learned. If you are not an auther on the blog, but wish to share, just post what you have learned as a comment on my last post.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Triumphant Evening

Next Sunday ends our service as Inner City Missionaries. Tonight we got to attend an event which, though only peripherally involved, gives us great satisfaction.

Last year as we began our mission, we learned that a family was seeking help as a sub for Santa. Mandie's ward was their sub. Someone told me that the parents were not members but they attended church as a family regularly. The story is thus: the mother had been previously married in Mexico. She had two children in that marriage. They are now teenagers. She was living with the father of her youngest child but they were not married because she was not divorced from her first husband so they could not be baptized.

The father also has an interesting history. He grew up in California and had been involved in gangs and has served time in prison for his activities. He has a kind of hooded eye look that makes you think of a stereotypical gang member in the movies but he is actually very nice. After meeting his future wife, he decided he didn't want that life for her kids (and eventually their kids), so they came to Utah about five years ago.

The wife had a sister who was a member of the church. She was dying. The wife promised to take her three kids and raise them as her own. The sister asked her to promise to take her kids to church. She did and she became converted over the years. Her own children were baptized and a year ago, her partner began attending church. He also become converted. Enter some senior missionaries who ended their service before we began. They got some legal help for the family and the divorce became possible.

Tonight, they were married and then they were baptized. It was wonderful to see this happen.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Motherhood is sacred. I know that. This isn't the first time I've become a mother. But I think it is because I have older children that I can kinda see where this whole motherhood thing is going. It seems like I'm taking a little more time to enjoy this precious new life than I have either of the others. Maybe I'm just getting old. Or maybe with age comes understanding and with that understanding comes different choices. I understand a lot better now that the Lord's really in charge. I've known that all my life, this really hasn't changed, but its like each new life lesson reaffirms it in new ways. I also understand that my body is a lot more precious than I had previously realized and requires a more careful assessment of how I treat it. Garbage in Garbage out - its really true. I had my newest little one without the use of pain drugs. Maybe this is why my motherhood feels different. I have a friend that shared with me that she feels in order to bring a new life here, we must pass close to the veil and pick that precious one up. She thinks it is why our body is so uncomfortable when we are in the transition and final stages of labor. Perhaps that is why my motherhood feels so much more. Not more of any one thing, just more. And most of all I feel more love from the Lord.